Touchstone - Title

Touchstone started playing for the Rossmoor Spotlight, The Wateford, and other venues in Contra Costa County. Their musicality evolved with new arrangements and powerful line-up with top-notch sax player Dan Willis, stellar lead Amie Shapiro, totally tuned-in drummer Mark Foglia, bass player Karl Hartmann, and Nancy Loomba on flute has borught them to flourish.

Join us for a delightful musical journey featuring captivating vocals and harmonies alongside a talented ensemble: piano, sax, bass, and drums.

Beloved favorites from all eras, plus modern compositions and arrangements by Dwight Stone. Here are performances of "Smooth Operator", "Fields of Gold", "Tattooed Lady", and "Mercy, Mercy" at Luigi's Deli, Martinez, plus "Natural Woman" at the Waterford.     Touchstone 2' video demo

Touchstone taps the vast domains of music available for this combination of instruments from pop and Latin through jazz to classical repertoire, and Dwight Stone's original compsitions.

Subsets of Touchstone are our dynamic flute, piano and percussion "Touchstone Trio", and the "FlutesTones" duo with flutist Nancy Loomba and Dwight Stone, piano (with Jonny Guerrero on percussion in the Trio) — a sublime combination appropriate for all venues, large and small, concert and intimate.
"The Flute'sTones"   (3:41 video demo)
"Everyone commented how much they enjoyed you and your flutist!"
            — Arthur Weiner, 88th Birthday celebration

Dwight Stone's original compsitions: "Tattooed Lady", "Algorithm", and "Time for Change", and more (see Stonemusique Catalog).

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